Every day I have conversations with people who are frustrated because they have a bad boss and they hate their job. They are tired of waking up every day fighting traffic and working in a career that doesn’t give them purpose or fulfillment. The other day I asked a question on Instagram –
“if earning money wasn’t a worry of yours what would you do? “
I was so inspired by all of the responses that I received. So many of people’s hopes and dreams were centered around exploring the world and helping others! It really encouraged me to continue to share the message that I believe God has put me here to do to help people become financially free so that they can be the people that God has truly called them to be too!
5 Myths That People Believe About Real Estate Investing
You need a lot of money to invest in Real Estate
I speak to clients who think the only way to become a Real estate investor is that you have to save up 20% to put down in order to invest. FALSE.
There are a number of strategies that allow you to put between 3%-5% down in order to become an investor -
You need excellent credit to invest in Real Estate. FALSE.
When I bought my first home I had a 589 credit score. We bought a house with a basement and began collecting rent from our tenant. This rent helped pay down debt, pay towards childcare, and any other extra things we had come up with when we were first getting started. You do not have to have excellent credit to become an investor. -
You need to be debt-free in order to invest in Real Estate. FALSE!!!
This is a big one. By investing in Real Estate you can use the money you earn towards paying down your debt with other people’s money. -
I don’t have time to invest in Real Estate. FALSE.
I love helping everyday people with 9-5 jobs become Real estate investors. With the right systems and plan, you can invest in real estate under 3 hours a month! -
I have too many student loans to invest in Real Estate. FALSE.
Recently this year the FHA just changed the rules to make it much easier for borrowers with student loans to now purchase a home. This new rule opens up the door for millions of Americans to begin building wealth through Real Estate!
Coming up in the next couple of weeks I’m launching something that I may never ever do again! I’m giving you the opportunity to chat with me live once a week for a few weeks to ask me all of the Real estate investing, juggling my time, and anything else that will help you to feel confident to move forward with buying your first Real Estate investment before the end of this year! If you’re interested in hearing more, and I may even throw in something extra for you if you sign up first. Join my waiting list below.
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