Growing up, were you taught to be “independent” and “self-sufficient”?

Maybe you learned this from your parents…or at school…or at work.

We live in a society that pushes being “self-made.” When we have a goal that we want to accomplish, there’s a high chance we may start off thinking…I gotta do this on my own!

We’ve talked about how one of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen new real estate investors make is not running the numbers. But I think a mistake that can deter new investors is doing most things on their own!

Having this approach is really scarcity thinking.

Yes, doing your research is important. But when you’re in the middle of an investment deal, and you don’t have somebody to call and ask, what do you do in this situation? It’s going to be difficult.

But it doesn’t have to be.

If you’ve been hanging me for some time, you know that one of my core values is community. When you have a community, it’s helpful to pick up the phone and call someone who has experience to talk things through.

For a long time, I didn’t do that. After I bought my first property, I didn’t know how to get to the second, third, or fourth. I didn’t know how to scale.

I was working hard – saving and putting down 20% for every property. I did that over and over…until I realized there had to be another way to scale my portfolio. I saw other people doing it much faster than I was!

Finally, I called one of my clients…who is now my mentor…and asked him, how do you scale? In the next year, I was able to buy seven properties!!

I was able to grow my portfolio exponentially…just from that one phone call!

Whether it’s having someone to call to help you run numbers…

Do a property walkthrough with you…

Or get a recommendation for a good contractor…

Having someone you can call is going to be very helpful on your journey!!

I truly believe that one of the biggest mistakes you can make is doing it on your own.

You may be thinking, but Erika, how do I find a community?

I’m so glad you asked! Here are a few ideas:

Join a meetup group.

Try a Facebook group.

Get a mentor!

And if you’re thinking “Erika, I want you to be my mentor!” or “I want to be in YOUR community!” join the waiting list for my next real estate investing cohort!!! You’ll have a community of like-minded people to support you on your real estate journey & mentorship by me!

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