As we wrap up Quarter 1 I can’t help but sit back and reflect on 2022 so far!

I am fresh off of my dream trip to France and Italy and I am ready and excited about quarter 2 of 2022. I love when I get time to go away because it does two things.

  1. It gives me time to step back and think. I get a moment to assess how things are going, what I need to change and how I might need to pivot according to my plan this year. When you are in the thick of work it’s pretty impossible to look at your life from a birds eye view.

  2. Being away from my business gives me an opportunity to see the success and gaps in my business. How does my team perform when I’m away? Are things still getting done? What fell through the cracks and what do we need to adjust in my business to ensure that this business can run smoothly without me day to day.

As I look forward to the next quarter I wanted to share a few of my goals for 2022 and share with you how things are going so far.

Some of my 2022 Goals . . .

  • Schedule a vacation after the completion of each big project

  • Work out 3 times a week

  • Set up meal prep service

  • Invest in a mastermind

  • Join a local Homeschool network

  • Help the boys launch their baking business

  • Bring on 4 new Real Estate Agents on my team

  • Update my website (Insert link to my site)Check it out

  • Help at least 50 people become Real Estate Investors!

  • Bring on a fractional CFO to create financial systems in my business

So far I am off to a great start with hitting the ground running on these goals. Some of these goals I have knocked out of the park, like my new agent goal! Some of my goals have had a slower start but I will say that being away helped me to do a self-check-in to make sure that my actions are aligning with my overall theme of “Going Deep.”

One of the biggest learnings during my time away was that had a few balls that I was in the process of moving forward with because they were “good opportunities” that I decided to not move forward with because they will require more time from me and do not align with my goals of going deeper in this season.

I’m telling myself that it’s not “no”, but just “not yet”….

I’m curious, how do you stop and assess if you are on the right track of accomplishing your goals?

Is your goal to purchase an investment property this year? I have a Cohort coming up in May and there are just a few more days left to secure your spot before the doors open to everyone.

Here is comment from one of my most recent students

Erika knows exactly what she’s talking about, and my wife and I are so glad we joined this course. We bought our 2nd property a week before the course ended, and it was so helpful for us to develop a sense of direction on how to monetize it – all thanks to this course. Thank you, Erika!