I know you have heard me talk alot about this subject of Earning more, working less and taking care of yourself. This topic has been, and is, a personal goal of mine that I plan to protect.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur! I really enjoy giving my time to a variety of things. As an extrovert this truly does give me life! The pros to being this type of person is that I am always meeting new people and starting fun things. The cons to this is that if I let it, my time can get taken up by helping a lot of people, looking up and experiencing burn out.

One system that I put in place this year when doing my annual goal setting time was to sit and reflect on the efforts that I truly felt like I wanted to give time to this year. Some of those efforts include homeschooling my boys, weekly date nights with my husband, a non profit organization that I recently became the chair of called Grove Park Renewal, growing my Real Estate Team Strive Realty Group pouring into people all over to grow their wealth through Real Estate and growing Bolst to become the best brokerage ever!

In order to FOCUS and grow these efforts that I’m passionate about I created a mandatory meeting schedule. Within this schedule I’m able to balance all of the efforts that I’ve committed to this year, but also give myself a couple of times each week to meet with people outside of these efforts. In the past my schedule looked like the opposite and I felt like I was constantly playing catch up!

One way to ensure to put boundaries in place to ensure that I didn’t fall into my old ways of overworking I did two things.

At the end of every single launch or big project this year I have a vacation scheduled at the end of it. This makes rest mandatory for me and it also gives me something to look forward to at the end of the project.

Another boundary that I put in place this year to ensure that I don’t over work is a rest week. During this time of the month I’m naturally more tired as is so I allow my body extra time to reset. I only take meetings that are supporting the efforts above and everyone on my team are aware of my schedule for this week.

The hardest part so far has been honoring my own boundaries, but I give myself grace and reset the next week.

How do you get a lot done without overworking?

Oh BTW If you are like “Erika I see you, I want to work with you and I’m ready for Mentorship today!” You can now secure your seat for my next Real Estate Investing Cohort until March 31st at 11:59pm!!!!

Click the link below to secure your spot today! The next group begins meeting May 5, 2022.