One thing that I’ve found since taking my month off from work in December is that you can easily have fear around not having time to get everything that you need to have done. At times the exhaustion of feeling that way can lead you to believe that there is absolutely no way that you can possibly add anything else on your plate!

Before going on my break I was running on autopilot. I had constant meetings back to back, when people would text me my responses were short, and my patience with my family was at an all time low. Pretty much I was not a very nice person…. I was exhausted!

Because of this rat race life of mine in this season we had fell off of our weekly date nights, my homeschool time with the kids was subpar, and I was just running on fumes.

So much so when I was finally off I stayed in my bed for the first 3 days of my month off!

What if I said that your lack of taking time off is what is actually making you not have time?

According to Forbes taking time off actually improves your mindfulness, reduces stress and improves your overall health.

“American workers are notorious for being workaholics. Since March of 2020, an overwhelming majority of U.S. employees have shortened, postponed or canceled their vacation time, according to one survey. Another recent study found that 26% of respondents had never taken two weeks of vacation at one time. And The Center for Economic and Policy Research has gone so far as to call the U.S. the “No Vacation Nation.”

But leaving vacation time on the table is taking its toll on employees.

The research found that working 55 hours or more a week was associated with a 35% higher risk of stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease than a workweek of 35 to 40 hours.

“Taking vacation time is essential to employee survival. That’s because time off from work is integral to well-being, sustained productivity and high performance.”

I get it. Taking breaks is easier said than done. I get all of the excuses that you can come up with.

  • I don’t have enough time

  • I can’t afford to take a break

  • What will happen if I’m not there

This year I’ve committed to myself to put those excuses aside. We all have mental fatigue from these last 2 plus years of being cooped up in the house.

This year I’m focusing on wellness, mentally, physically and spiritually.

After each big project this year I have scheduled time off! Like the Airbnb is booked and I’m going!

During my weekly grind in between those breaks it gives me something to look forward to! And because it’s already booked I can’t (or shouldn’t) back out of it!

So what can happen if you put your wellness first this year??

  • You will have more quality time with your loved ones

  • You will get to experience some new things and new places

  • You will be more productive and mindful when you are at work

  • You have more time to focus on more things that you want to do this year

We have to do better this year. We have to be different. We cannot sit back and do the same thing we do year after year and expect for our lives to change.

What are your #vacationgoals for this year?