As you may know from a previous blog post or social media, that I took the month of December off. And if you’re asking, “What did I do for an entire month?” . Well, I’m glad you asked!

The first day I just slept, hell the first half of the month I slept! I feel like I was catching up on 36 years of rest!!!
Once I resurrected from my coma and had caught up on all of the mindless TV I was watching we decided to take a little trip! We visited Daufuski Island off the coast of South Carolina! It was beautiful, quiet and fun!
Daufuski is the most under developed sea island off the coast of South Carolina. I had long learned about the Gullah people during my visits to Savannah and I had been so intrigued with their culture and resilience. When our former neighbors and clients offered their beach cottage to us for a week we jumped on the opportunity!

One thing that was so unique about Daufuski is that most people drive around the island in golf carts!! There are very few cars on the island. There are 2 general stores, 3 restaurants, and 1 coffee shop. Everything closes really early and there are no stop lights. The people are so sweet and laid back. Most people that we spoke to were there because of the slow island living and simplicity.

Our cottage had so many books about the Gullah people. My mom sat and read about how they grew up and how they lived. The funny part is, how they lived reminded her of her life growing up in rural northern Louisiana! It was a treat to hear her share and reflect on the similarities as we learned about the Gullah people. It made us realize how much more our people are alike than different.
One of the most beautiful parts of our trip was baking a cake and celebrating Jaxon’s 12th birthday! Also we LOVED waking up to the beautiful South Carolina sunrise. This trip reminded me that the simple things are often all that we need.