This is an exciting time in the Brown Household!

Back in 2019 after a tough year in our family we committed to carving out a month in our year to take time to reset and focus our family.

We originally planned to begin this sabbatical in 2020 but we all know what happened then! When the Pandemic happened I felt like life smacked me in the face and I was drowning. At the time I was only homeschooling one son and that was very new. I had to instantly transition to homeschool + virtual learning (which is not the same thing as Homeschooling). I don’t feel like I came up for air until August when some friends and I started a Co-op. That gave me time to reset. So because I lost so many months prior to my reset there was no way that I was going to feel comfortable taking off for a month!

Fast forward to 2021 and we have embraced our new life in this season. 2020 taught me how to be flexible and that everything doesn’t have to be jam packed into one season. This year I’ve learned how to say no to things that don’t align with my goals and yes to the things that represent my Zone of Genius!

In just a few weeks I will be taking off the most time that I have ever taken off since I was 15 years old!!!!!!

How am I preparing for this time?

For 2 months now, when speaking to all new leads and clients, I’ve been sharing with them about my shortened schedule for the year. The beautiful thing is that everyone has been super supportive. Most people are like, “Good for you to set that boundary and take that time away.”

In addition to that. I completed my live Cohort class in October so that I have time to wrap up things for the year. I will resume a few 1:1’s in January with my premium and VIP Cohort clients.

As of today, I am not accepting any new clients. Instead, I will be pairing them up with specialists on my team to get them taken care of.

I’ve reached out to my Contractors and other Coworkers to wrap up my responsibilities for the year and I will work on putting together a list of priorities for them to work on while I’m away.

Because I’m going to be heading right into the launch of my next Cohort in January when I return, whhheww!!! …. We will begin the marketing of the next season in November.

While I’m away if I have any current Real Estate clients that have any needs that roll over to December, I will be pairing them with an experienced background agent and my fabulous Operations Manager to make sure all of their needs are met!

Lastly, a couple of times in December I plan to check in with my Operations Manager and Marketing Director to see if there are any “Erika only” questions that need to be answered.

In my December Monthly newsletter I plan to share what I plan to do during our month off!