The cat is officially out of the bag. My business partner and I are buying a 20 unit Apartment Complex!!!!!!

It is a small cluster of 5 individual Quadraplexes just 5 mins south of Atlanta!

In the past I have turned down opportunities to invest bigger because I didn’t know how. I felt like in order to feel confident and investing in a big project like this, that I needed to have steps 1-35 figured out…. I had a lot of fear of “how do I finance it?, can I afford it?, what if this happens and so on”. I let fear paralyze me from even looking into the opportunity!!

Does this sound familiar to you? I promise you, I practice what I preach!!

After I came back from the BP Conference I made a commitment to myself that I was no longer going to limit what God can do in my life and play small. I know that God has given me a gift and that I need to kill my fears and fully walk into that gift.

Instead of me this time saying “no” to the opportunity before I even considered it, I called up my mentor and asked if he would walk me through it and run the numbers to see if it was possibly a good deal.

I went to his office and wrote out the scenario on his white board and worked through the numbers. Then the next day we jumped in the car and walked the property and he confirmed it was a great deal!!

After reviewing the opportunity with my business partner we proceeded to place an offer and a few days later got the apartments under contract!!

If it’s in God’s will we will close the first week of December!

My Biggest lesson, when fear paralyzes you, seek out the knowledge to stomp those fears. Then from a logical place make the decision to move forward are not.

This is a fun challenge but we are excited to embark on this new journey!

By |2024-02-02T14:15:13-05:00November 19, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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