I finished some pretty good books so far this year.

Here are a few of my favorites:

An Unschooling Manifesto – This book was so good and funny! It’s speaking about where the mom was an educator who decided to take her kids out of traditional school to unschool them at home. I read this book in 2 day

History of the Black Dollar– A collection of stories of African Americans from the mid-1800’s until today. I learned a lot even though it was hard at times to read it was very informative if you love biographies. I read this with my real estate team and it sparked lots of good conversations.

The Magnolia Story

By Chip Gaines, Joanna Gaines

The Magnolia Story– Yall know I love me some Chip and Jo but the book was even better than I expected. I listened to the audiobook so that I could hear their personalities while listening. I loved their story. It showed their struggles and creative ingenuity to keep going and it was very inspiring. I would recommend it to any entrepreneur. 

What books are you reading? Comment below – I’m always looking for new books to add to mine or my boy’s list.