If you’ve been following me on social media you may have heard me speak about our shift away from traditional schooling for 2 out of 3 of our boys. We homeschool and specifically use a method of homeschooling called Unschooling. In so many words Unschooling is child led learning.

You can learn more about what unschooling is and our journey

Right now we are in the phase of Unschooling called Deschooling where we are shedding off the old way of how we think learning happens. Because my kids have been in traditional schooling all of their lives we all have to get used to this new way of learning. What that looks like for us is reading a lot, trying new things like baking and playing games, working with us in the family businesses, and going on weekly field trips.

I think the kids have enjoyed the field trips the most! We have intentionally tried to support as many Black-owned businesses as possible on our weekly trips. Some of our field trips include a plant workshop, visiting an urban farm, we visited a science museum, and our friend’s local coffee roastery shop.  In addition to learning something new, it’s been cool to hear the entrepreneurs’ stories on how they got in business. 

In addition to weekly field trips the kids have each began exploring various interests.

LJ is still enjoying drawing, baking, and he’s taking a neuroscience class on Outschool. Also, he loves reading!

Jaxon has enjoyed making money. Lol, two days a week he goes to work with his dad and he is really enjoying that time with him and the guys. He’s developed a routine, and he has certain responsibilities that he has to do with the business. This is Jaxon’s 2nd year of homeschooling and I’ve seen the most improvement with him. He is so much more confident and calm. I think he feels loved and accepted.

This has been a great environment for him to thrive! Both boys are super excited about starting a youtube channel with their cousins. They have been reading and researching a ton, setting budgets, and getting creative to ensure that their channel will be successful. I love eavesdropping on their little meetings. 

I look forward to sharing more about our Unschooling journey! Comment below with any questions you have about Unschooling.

By |2024-02-02T14:15:13-05:00May 4, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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