I am asked this question at least once a week when I meet people out and about with my boys. For some reason society wants to force women to either work outside of the home or stay at home as if there is no way to do both. I am a part of a generation that chooses to no longer settle on things that we want to accomplish. Whether it is entrepreneurship or parenting, more and more people are figuring out a way to do both. 

A good part of the reason that I don’t have to choose is because we choose to sacrifice a good part of our wealth while I was building up the first years of my company into investing in Real Estate. Having the additional passive income every month releases a lot of pressure in this season that we are in to work a ton of hours every week. Also along with making strategic choices along the way to scale my business by bringing on a team I don’t have to sacrifice bringing in less income to exchange my time with my kids. Essentially because of smart investing in creating passive income + making strategic moves in building my team I am able to bring in passive income to continue to grow our wealth, bring in enough monthly income through my active real estate sales business to take care of our monthly expenses without working 40 hours a week. 

Was the journey as easy as I just made it sound, Hell no! It was scary as jumping off a cliff in Jamaica blind folded from 50 feet in the air! But was all of that hard work, late nights, sacrificing time away from my family for a short period of time worth it to be able to be present with them the amount of time we get to spend today, Hell yes! 

Sometimes I am tempted to set aside the homeschool to just bring on a few more extra clients and grind it out and work 25-30 more hours a week because I know that that can potentially bring in thousands and thousands more a month. But the beauty in where I am right now when I feel this way is able to look amazing people that I have brought on my team and realize that I can use more of my energy to inspire and motivate them to bring on a few more clients instead times 4 and in using just a few more hours a week to pour into them I’m helping them accomplish their goals, I’m still making money and Im able to not sacrifice time away from my family to do it!

God has used Real estate investing and Real estate sales as a tool to scale my life and build wealth, what tool has God given you to scale your life and build wealth?