If you have been following me for a while then you would probably remember me saying something about the book We should All be Millionaires! Well learning about that book, then joining her Executive Coaching Club was a highlight of 2021. So, it’s only right that getting a chance to actually meet the woman that put it all together would be a HUGE highlight of my year!! Rachel is a black woman that lives on a 57 acre horse ranch in North Carolina! She is married with 4 kids that she homeschools while running an 8 figure company?!! Of course I would be inspired by her lol.

She recently started a foundation that’s focused on helping black mothers get the care they need during pregnancy and after giving birth! Being a young mother myself I related so much to that cause so I jumped on the opportunity to support her new foundation and was invited to a private dinner at her home! It was such a sweet time!! Rachel rolled out the red carpet for us at her home! We met her family, her horses and enjoyed a 4 course meal by her private chef! Afterwards I connected with 8 other Boss women about life and business and made some new friends during my time!