I am looking forward to not checking my phone for hours, hiding all of my business email accounts and I may even take a break from social media. I haven’t 100% decided on that yet. I think I may just leave it open-ended and take the pressure off and just post if I feel like it or not!

Here is a list of things that I plan to do during my month-long sabbatical.

  1. Finish decorating my house

  2. Go on a couple of road trips

  3. Do a Spa day

  4. Hang out at the Cabin

  5. Go Hiking

  6. Visit the Atlanta Botanical Garden

  7. Declutter & organize my house

  8. Celebrate Jaxon’s Birthday

  9. Have a family Sleepover with my family

  10. Read a few books (see list below)

I’m looking forward to catching up on my reading list. My plan is to finish Song of Solomon, read Advanced Tax Strategies, and listen to WILL!

What are you planning to do this month during your time off?

To hear more about the how and the why i’m taking a whole month off, watch the episode below from my youtube channel.