Last week, I opened up about my journey to a million, the challenges, the breakthroughs, and becoming the go-to person for too many things in my family. This week, I’m excited to share a transformative chapter of my journey: Creating my home team.

The other day I came across this post on Instagram about a recent study done by the National Institute of Mental Health which said that the #1 indicator of how children grow up to thrive is based on the mental health of their mom. As women, taking care of ourselves helps the whole family. 💕

What was my first step?

A deep honest conversation with God. I poured out my heart, confronted my neglect, and found the courage to embrace the next steps. It was a revelation—I was trying to be everything for everyone, losing myself in the process. But with faith, I acknowledged that God had bigger plans for me, and I embraced the courage to stop shrinking and step into who God was calling me to be.

My journey of transformation began at home. Recognizing my role and addressing my needs with my husband and children was crucial. I adore our family moments, but the daily grind was wearing me down. It was time to build our “home team” and bring back joy and energy into our lives.

Our home team has been a game-changer!

Here is a list of our Home Team!

  1. Bi-weekly deep cleaning. 🧹
  2. Laundry services (kids are on their own here!😜)
  3. Instacart to order groceries 🥗
  4. Dad Homeschooling day 📚
  5. A family assistant – takes kids to practices, schedule doctor appointments, and handle any vendors around the house. We started at only 5 hours per week!

These changes have allowed us to focus more on each other, creating a stronger, more connected family.

The biggest advice I would give when building your home team is to remember that your team doesn’t have to look like someone else’s.

Each person/family has unique needs and you can create the home team however you need in this season.

These steps aren’t just about easing chores; they’re about creating space for joy, creativity, and pursuing passions. Our investment in our home team has paid off, not just in time saved but in the richness of our family life and the energy to generate more abundance.

So, I’m curious, what does your home team look like? What changes can you make to create more space for joy and fulfillment in your life?

Follow up next week where I’ll dive into building my real estate business team and the lessons learned along the way.